Straight Distance is the Best Distance
It’s no surprise that golfers tend to miss to the right. That’s why the Qi irons are engineered to eliminate frustrating fades and guide your shots confidently to the target.
Integrated Design System
This suite of technologies allows us to optimize each individual iron head. Driven by organic face geometries, Cap Back Design and the Speed Pocket, this comprehensive approach tunes the performance of each head to promote ideal gapping, exemplary ball speeds and consistently straighter shots throughout the set.
Engineered with Cap Back Design
This innovative construction blends the advantages of a hollow-body iron with those of a traditional cavity back. In addition to optimizing mass properties, it works in unison with the HYBRAR Echo Dampers to reduce unwanted vibrations and deliver a satisfying sound and feel.
FLTD CG strategically positions the center of gravity (CG) lowest in the long irons and progressively shifts higher throughout the set. The design produces better launch and playability in long irons with increased control in the scoring clubs.
GreenRabbit Golf ist eine Golf-Lifestyle-Boutique. Wir sammeln die eintreffenden Bestellungen und liefern diese zweimal die Woche aus. Das reduziert unseren Footprint und schont damit die Umwelt.
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